Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Countdown to Baby

We're in the hospital now, with delivery in about one hour. As we were told, "In Singapore, babies are born after lunch." Very civilized. Yesterday the doctor decided that today would be the day, and our schedule so far has been as follows. 8am: Get to clinic, go on monitor. 9am: Served tea and biscuits. Noon: Go out to a nice lunch, go home for a nap and some email. 6pm: Return to hospital, start the drugs. I was thinking everything was going to be a piece of cake... but then the nurse came in and quietly left these rubber boots in the room... YIKES!

And just to think, Zhanar was literally jumping for joy just 4 hours ago. Once the strong contractions started she was much more serious. At one point I got a little off count in our breathing exercise and I got a tongue lashing. BILL! YOU SAID TWO!!! Now that the epidural has taken hold we are friends again.


At 12:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome! Now wait, after lunch is... and from there to here is how many hours... and, er, damn you internation al date line!

At 1:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cool. Hang in there kiddos! Zhanar, you are about to be a mommy!!! We are so excited... -mike and jess

At 2:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Billy & Zhanar
Congrads, She is beautiful.however she does need a hair dresser. We wish we could be there to see and hold her.
Skip and Peg

At 4:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never congratulated someone on a baby born in the future (it is still Nov 15th here). Very happy for you guys

At 5:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats you guys!!!
She is absolutely adorable as I knew she would be ... even though I'd love to get back at Bill for all the times he didn't agree that Ally was cute at that age!!!
Bill - get up sleepy head - you can't go to sleep until you give her a name!


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